KBI Global Investors Complaints Procedures
This complaints procedure applies to KBI Global Investors Ltd and KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd (collectively referred to as “KBI Global Investors”).
KBI Global Investors (“KBIGI”) is committed to delivering a high level of service to all its clients. However, KBIGI realises there could be times when you may want to make a complaint. KBIGI takes all complaints extremely seriously and does its best to resolve them satisfactorily as quickly as possible.
How can you make a complaint?
You can make a complaint by phone, email, fax, post or in person. You may contact your Business Development Manager, existing Client Relationship Manager or the general office at the below e-mail address.
Contact details:
3rd Floor
2 Harbourmaster Place
IFSC, Dublin 1, Ireland
TEL: +353 (1) 438 4400
FAX: +353 (1) 439 4400
EMAIL: complaints@kbigi.com
Clients may submit complaints free of charge.
Acknowledging your complaint
KBIGI will acknowledge your complaint in writing within 5 working days of receiving it, giving you the name of the individual who is your point of contact in relation to the complaint and providing the complainant with the expected timing of the final response. If KBIGI can provide a final response within this time period then it may combine its acknowledgement of the complaint with the final response.
Complaints that need further investigation
KBIGI will attempt to resolve the complaint within 20 working days. If not resolved within this time period, KBIGI will send the complainant either a progress letter explaining that the company is still not in a position to make a final response and the reasons why or a resolution letter.
Every 20 business days after the issuance of the previous progress letter KBIGI must provide the complainant with a regular written update on the progress of the investigation.
KBIGI will aim to resolve the complaint within 40 business days and if not resolved within this timeframe, KBIGI will inform you of the anticipated timeframe within which KBIGI hopes to resolve the complaint.
If the complainant remains dissatisfied with the delay or with the outcome of the complaint, they may refer the complaint to an alternative dispute resolution entity e.g. Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC), the Financial Services Ombudsman or the Pensions Ombudsman or may take civil action.
The full KBIGI Complaints Policy is available on request.